Human Écorché base Sculpts Mk.1

2023. ZBrush

I took Scott Eaton’s Anatomy for Artists course at the recommendation of James Orara, who I met the summer after graduating from UW. His praise for the course was high, telling me that the fundamental understanding of human anatomy it offers is game-changing for any kind of 3D character or creature art.

The course lived up to James’ hype— I found the weekly écorché drawings along with the thorough and accurate resources to download and save for later extremely effective. I emerged with a new level of confidence towards future figure drawing and sculpture.

With my last little stretch of time before starting my two year certificate in digital production at Gnomon, I decided to put the course to use while it was still fresh in my mind, creating male and female base sculpts as accurately as I could. My intention is to use these as a starting point for future sculpts, saving time and guaranteeing quality anatomy by not needing to build it from scratch with each new project.


The Gunslinger